Managing unexpected costs

You’ll often hear people say you need to put aside additional funds for unexpected costs during the build. This is absolutely correct but how much money will you need?

The most likely time you will strike the unexpected is during the excavation phase of a new build or the demolition phase of a renovation. The reason is, no-one can predict what the builder will find in the ground or in the existing structure once they start. This is called a “Latent Condition” and is one of the biggest risks in a residential project.

For example, approx. 50% of new home builds discover the soil is too unstable or not strong enough to support the new structure. This leaves owner-builders scrambling for a way to fix the problem so work can recommence.

Typically soil problems result in design modifications. Relying only on what the builder tells you can be done is not always the most cost efficient way. In fact it’s possible the builder will offer the quickest and easiest solution for himself – not you.

How to avoid unexpected costs
No-one can predict the future but as your Project Manager, BAJA Projects can help you to identify potential risks before they occur and have a Plan B ready if required.

Even if something completely unexpected occurs, we have the experience and knowledge to work with all the trades and your architect (if you are using one). We will analyse the situation, discuss the options with the relevant trades, engineers and designers. Then we’ll help you choose the option that will give you the most cost-effective outcome.

Very often owners contact BAJA Projects at this point because they are confused, anxious and don’t know what to do. Avoid this stress by asking us to help you from the beginning.

Avoid the unexpected! Arrange a complementary meeting with BAJA Projects. Phone 0416 271 291 or email